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Far From The Tree Press welcomes submissions. We are actively seeking talented authors of science fiction, horror, and cryptid fiction who are passionate about seeing their work published. We are willing to consider any completed manuscript in the aforementioned genres, as long as it is a well-written and original story with well-developed characters, and that follows our guidelines.

What we’re looking for:

  • Paleo fiction (dinosaurs): Our founder’s books raised the bar when it comes to such tales, and we’re looking to keep it there. We drool over well-told tomes that feature relatable protagonists struggling to survive against deadly denizens from earth’s past. Minimum word count: 40k
  • Apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic novels: Tales that trap the reader in a world that is on the brink of doomsday or has them trying to survive its aftermath. Think extraterrestrial invasions, zombie hordes (preferably with a new twist), or worse! Minimum word count: 50k
  • Military sci-fi/horror: Military elites square off against the most horrifying and unexpected nemeses you can possibly bring to life. Properly researched behaviors, weapons and tech is a must. Minimum word count 40k.
  • Marine terror: This means horrifying creatures from the depths, be it lake or sea. We love tales that make people afraid to get their swimsuits wet. The more gripping the better. Minimum word count: 40k.
  • Cryptid horror/sci-fi: Ostensibly, a blend of one (or more) of the above-mentioned storylines, but with the “monster” being something that may actually exist in the woods or waters near our homes. Bigfoot, Nessie, Champ…you get the picture. Minimum word count: 40k.
  •  Kaiju fiction: the ultimate big and bad(s) on a rampage. Original stories and creatures are a must. If you can spin a tale that has us running to our cellar and stocking up on food, we want to read it! Minimum word count: 40k.

What we do not want.

  • Pornography: This includes erotica. We have no problem with adult content, as long as it contributes to the story. However, we do request that you keep it rated PG, please. Sometimes a hint of something can be more enticing than sheer overtness.

Submission Procedures
We will consider submissions from both published and unpublished authors, as long as the manuscript is of suitable quality and fits into one of our desired genres. All storylines must demonstrate proper pacing and present relatable, well-developed characters with appropriate (and completed) character arcs. And, of course, the writing must be of good quality.


  • Email to a cover letter introducing yourself. We want to know your background, writing experience, prior publications (if any), awards, etc.
  • With the synopsis, and pasted into the body of your email (no attachments) should be a synopsis of 400 words or less explaining your story’s basic concept and key plot points, as well as details about your primary protagonist(s).
  • Beneath your synopsis, please paste the first ten pages of your manuscript into your email as well. This is so we can analyze your writing style. 
  • Note: DO NOT mail your manuscript to us without prior approval. We do not read unrequested/unsolicited manuscripts, nor do we accept responsibility for returning your manuscript. Manuscripts sent without prior approval will be recycled unread.

Please indicate in your cover letter whether you have submitted exclusively to us or if you have simultaneously submitted to other publishers as well. As a matter of professional courtesy, we request that you notify us ASAP if your manuscript has been accepted for publication elsewhere.


As an indie publisher, we only accept a limited number of manuscripts for development and give careful consideration to each and every one we request. If, based on your cover letter, synopsis, and writing sample, we are interested, one of our editors will contact you within fourteen (14) days to discuss the project and to arrange receipt of your manuscript. If your manuscript is approved, we will send you a legal contract for you to review.

Due to the volume of submissions we receive we will only contact potential authors if we are interested in reviewing their entire manuscript. If you have not heard from us within fourteen days of receipt of your initial email, you may feel free to submit your manuscript to a different publisher or agent.